

How do you say “Busy” in Japanese? 「忙しい(いそがしい)」Isogashī

“Busy” is「忙しい(いそがしい)」」in Japanese. 「明日は法事で忙しいので別の日にしてください。」means "Tomorrow will be busy with the memorial service, so please change the schedule.."「私は忙しい方が性に合っている。」means "I'm the type of person that loves to stay busy."

How do you say “Round” in Japanese? 「丸い(まるい)」Marui

“Round” is「丸い(まるい)」in Japanese. 「彼らは地球は丸いと言いました。」means "They said the earth is round."「お母さんは目を丸くして驚いた。」means "The mother was surprised with her eyes rounded."

How do you say “Heavy” in Japanese? 「重い(おもい)」Omoi

“Heavy” is「重い(おもい)」in Japanese. 「荷物が重いので(あなたが)持ってください。」means "Please take this luggage, because it’s heavy."「この石は重いので私には持てません。」means "I can't hold this stone, because it’s so heavy."

How do you say “Hot” in Japanese? 「暑い (あつい)」Atsui

“Hot” is「暑い (あつい)」in Japanese. 「暑いのでコートを脱いでもいいですか?」means "Because it's hot, may I take off my coat?"「この部屋は暑いのでエアコンを付けてください。」means "This room is hot, could you please turn on the air conditioner?"

How do you say “Difficult” in Japanese? 「難しい(むずかしい)」Muzukashī

“Difficult” is「難しい(むずかしい)」in Japanese. 「難しい問題が解けたら(私は)気分が良いです。」means "If I solve a difficult problem, I feel good."「今回のテストは難しかった。」means "The test this time was difficult."

How do you say “Light” in Japanese? 「軽い(かるい)」Karui

“Light” is「軽い(かるい)」in Japanese. 「今日の荷物は少ないので軽いです。」means "There isn’t much luggage today, so it's light."「(私は)軽くご飯を食べました。」means "I had a light meal."