

How do you say “Finger” in Japanese?「指(ゆび)」Yubi

“Finger” is「指(ゆび)」」in Japanese. 「ゆきちゃんは指を鳴らすことが出来ません。」means "Yuki can't snap her fingers."「私の弟がバスケで中指を折りました。」means "My brother broke his middle finger when he was playing basketball."

Days of the Week in Japanese and the Kanji:「曜日(ようび)」Yōbi

Can you say “Days of the Week” in Japanese? Do you know the kanji? “Days of the Week” is「曜日(ようび)」in Japanese. Let’s learn the seven days of the week「曜日」on this page.

How do you say “Thursday” in Japanese? 「木曜日(もくようび)」Mokuyōbi

“Thursday” is「木曜日(もくようび)」」or「木曜(もくよう)」in Japanese. 「私は毎週木曜日の七時にピアノを習っています。」means "I have piano lessons every Thursday at 7 o’clock. "「今日は四月四日、木曜です。」means "Today is Thursday, April 4th."

How do you say “Egg” in Japanese?「卵(たまご)」Tamago

“Egg” is「卵(たまご)」」in Japanese. 「買っておいた卵が腐れてしまった。」means "The egg I bought has rotted."「学校で飼っている鶏が卵を産みました。」means "The chicken being kept in the school laid eggs."

How do you say “Friday” in Japanese? 「金曜日(きんようび)」Kin‘yōbi

“Friday” is「金曜日(きんようび)」or「金曜(きんよう)」in Japanese. 「金曜日は午後五時に(私は)退社します。」means "I’ll leave the office on Friday at 5 pm."「金曜の夜は同僚と飲み会です。」means "There’s a drinking party with colleagues on Friday night."

How do you say “June” in Japanese? 「六月(ろくがつ)」rokugatsu

“June” is「六月(ろくがつ)」in Japanese. 「六月は雨の日が多くて湿気があります。」means "June has many rainy days and is damp."「私達は六月に結婚式を挙げます。」means "We’re having a wedding in June. "