

How do you say “Summer” in Japanese? 「夏(なつ)」Natsu

“Summer” is「夏(なつ)」in Japanese. 「(私は)夏は海で泳ぎたい。」means "I want to swim in the sea in summer."「日本の夏は暑くて(私は)苦手です。」means "I gets hot in summer in Japan and I’m not good in the heat."

How do you say “February” in Japanese? 「二月(にがつ)」nigatsu

“February” is「二月(にがつ)」in Japanese. 「私は二月のバレンタインデーが楽しみです。」means "I'm looking forward to Valentine's Day in February."「二月四日は弟の誕生日です。」means "February 4th is my brother's birthday."

How do you say “Evening” in Japanese? 「夕方(ゆうがた)」Yūgata

“Evening” is「夕方(ゆうがた)」」in Japanese. 「夕方に雨が雪に変わりました。」means "The rain turned to snow in the evening."「小林さんはいつも夕方に出かけます。」means "Kobayashi-san always goes out in the evening."

How do you say “Hanger” in Japanese?「ハンガー」Hangā

“Hanger” is「ハンガー」in Japanese. 「ハンガーの数が足りません。」means "There aren’t enough hangers."「(私は)明日学校にハンガーを持って行きます。」means "I'll bring a hanger to my school tomorrow."

How do you say “Vase” in Japanese?「花瓶(かびん)」Kabin

“Vase” is「花瓶(かびん)」in Japanese. 「花瓶の水を綺麗な水に交換してください。」means "Please replace the water in the vase with clean water."「伊藤君が投げたボールが花瓶に当たって割れてしまった。」means "The ball thrown by Itō-kun hit the vase and broke it."

How do you say “Mirror” in Japanese?「鏡(かがみ)」Kagami/「ミラー」Mirā

“Mirror” is「鏡(かがみ)」or「ミラー」in Japanese. 「最後に(私は)自分の姿を鏡で確認します。」means "Finally, I’ll check myself in the mirror."「私は大きい鏡を見ながら化粧をします。」means "I put on my make up while looking in the big mirror. "