

How do you say “Letter (Character)” in Japanese? 「文字(もじ)」Moji

“Letter (Character)” is「文字(もじ)」or「字(じ)」in Japanese. 「(私の)娘が初めて文字を書きました。」means "My daughter wrote letters from the alphabet for the first time."「(私は)目が悪くて、小さな字が読めません。」means "I have bad eyesight and I can't read small text."

How do you say “Queen” in Japanese? 「女王(じょおう)」Joō

“Queen” is「女王(じょおう)」in Japanese. 「女王蜂には役目がある。」means "The queen bee has a role."「愛ちゃんは女王になりたいと思っています。」means "Ai-chan wants to be a queen."

How do you say “Weather” in Japanese? 「天気(てんき)」Tenki

“Weather” is「天気(てんき)」in Japanese. 「(私は)明日の天気を調べる。」means "I’ll check tomorrow’s weather."「明日の天気が良かったら公園へ行こう。」means "If the weather is fine tomorrow, let's go to the park."

How do you say “Population” in Japanese? 「人口(じんこう)」Jinkō

“Population” is「人口(じんこう)」in Japanese. 「世界の人口は増え続けています。」means "The world's population continues to grow."「私の住む町では若者の人口が減りました。」means "The youth population has decreased in the town where I live."

How do you say “Enter” in Japanese?「入る(はいる)」Hairu

"Enter" is「入る(はいる)」in Japanese. 「(私は)毎回前のドアから教室に入る。」means "I enter the classroom through the front door every time."「姉は来年美容の学校に入る。」means "My older sister will enter beauty school next year."

How do you say “Flower” in Japanese? 「花(はな)」Hana

“Flower” is「花(はな)」in Japanese. 「私の好きな花はひまわりです。」means "My favorite flower is the sunflower."「桜井さんは花の図鑑を見ています。」means "Sakurai-san is looking at a flower picture book."