

How do you say “Interesting” in Japanese? 「面白い(おもしろい)」Omoshiroi

“Interesting” is「面白い(おもしろい)」in Japanese. 「今日は面白い事が何も無かった。」means "There was nothing interesting today."「死後の世界の話は実に興味深い。」means "The story of the world after death is really interesting."

How do you say “Fruit” in Japanese?「果物(くだもの)」Kudamono /「フルーツ」Furūtsu

“Fruit” is「果物(くだもの)」or「フルーツ」in Japanese. 「果物のおいしい時期になってきました。」means "It’s the season for fruits to be delicious."「お見舞いに行く前に(私は)フルーツの盛り合わせを買います。」means "I buy assorted fruits to give when I visit my friend in the hospital."

How do you say “Diary” in Japanese?「日記(にっき)」Nikki

“Diary” is「日記(にっき)」」in Japanese. 「私は毎日日記を書きます。」means "I write a diary every day."「親に日記を読まれて最悪です。」means "I'm feeling down, because my parents read my diary."

How do you say “Bank” in Japanese?「銀行(ぎんこう)」Ginkō

“Bank” is「銀行(ぎんこう)」」in Japanese. 「私の家の近くには銀行があります。」means "There is a bank near my house."「私は今日初めて銀行で自分の口座を作りました。」means "I opened my account at the bank for the first time today."

How do you say “Finger” in Japanese?「指(ゆび)」Yubi

“Finger” is「指(ゆび)」」in Japanese. 「ゆきちゃんは指を鳴らすことが出来ません。」means "Yuki can't snap her fingers."「私の弟がバスケで中指を折りました。」means "My brother broke his middle finger when he was playing basketball."

Days of the Week in Japanese and the Kanji:「曜日(ようび)」Yōbi

Can you say “Days of the Week” in Japanese? Do you know the kanji? “Days of the Week” is「曜日(ようび)」in Japanese. Let’s learn the seven days of the week「曜日」on this page.