

How do you say “Decline” in Japanese?「断る(ことわる)」Kotowaru

"Decline" is「断る(ことわる)」in Japanese. 「(私は)飲み会の誘いを断る。」means "I’ll reject the invitation to the drinking party."「申し訳ないですがお断りします。」means "I'm sorry, but I have to decline."

How do you say “Be happy” in Japanese?「喜ぶ(よろこぶ)」Yorokobu

"Be happy" is「喜ぶ(よろこぶ)」in Japanese. 「私の結婚式は両親が喜んでくれた。」means "My parents were happy with my wedding."「クリスマスプレゼントを貰って息子は凄く喜んだ。」means "My son was very happy to receive a Christmas present."

How do you say “Go for a walk/Take a walk” in Japanese?「散歩する(さんぽする)」Sanpo suru

"Go for a walk/ Take a walk" is「散歩する(さんぽする)」in Japanese. 「今日は晴れなので(私は)散歩します。」means "It's sunny today, so I'll take a walk."「私の父は毎日散歩します。」means "My dad takes a walk every day."

How do you say “Climb” in Japanese?「登る(のぼる)」Noboru

"Climb" is「登る(のぼる))」in Japanese. 「(私は)あの山の山頂まで登る。」means "I’ll climb to the top of that mountain."「(私達は)あの山を登ると綺麗な海が見えます。」means "We can see the beautiful sea after we climb the mountain."

How do you say “Bite” in Japanese?「噛む(かむ)」Kamu

"Bite" is「噛む(かむ)」in Japanese. 「この犬は噛みつかないので大丈夫です。」means "This dog doesn't bite, so it's okay."「爪を噛むのはやめなさい!」means "Stop biting your nails!"

How do you say “Rely” in Japanese?「頼る(たよる)」Tayoru

"Rely" is「頼る(たよる)」in Japanese. 「私はあなたにしか頼ることが出来ません。」means "I can only rely on you."「(私は)記憶に頼って、無くした財布を探す。」means "I’ll rely on my memory to find my lost wallet."