
How do you say “Four” in Japanese? 「四(よん/し)」Yon/Shi

“Four” is「四(よん/し)」in Japanese. 「子猫が四匹生まれました。」means "Four kittens were born."「松本さんには四人の孫がいます。」means "Matsumoto-san has four grandchildren."

How do you say “Six” in Japanese? 「六(ろく)」Roku

“Six” is「六(ろく)」in Japanese. 「六匹の犬が餌を食べています。」means "Six dogs are eating food."「私は六人の友達と広島に旅行へ行きました。」means "I went on a trip to Hiroshima with my six friends."

How do you say “Socks” in Japanese?「靴下(くつした)」Kutsushita

“Socks” is「靴下(くつした)」in Japanese. 「(私は)靴下を洗濯機で洗う。」means "I wash my socks using the washing machine."「白い靴下は汚れが目立つので、(私は)白より黒の靴下が欲しい。」means "I want black socks rather than white socks, because you can easily see dirt on white socks."

How do you say “Name” in Japanese?「名前(なまえ)」Namae

“Name” is「名前(なまえ)」or「名(な)」in Japanese. 「あなたの名前を教えてください。」means "Please tell me your name. "「私の名は優子です。」means "My name is Yuko. "

How do you say “Discovery” in Japanese? 「発見(はっけん)」Hakken

“Discovery” is「発見(はっけん)」in Japanese. 「これは驚くべき発見だ。」means "This is an amazing discovery. "「その発見は世界に衝撃を与えた。」means "A new species of plant has been discovered."

How do you say “Scold” in Japanese?「叱る(しかる)」Shikaru

"Scold" is「叱る(しかる)」in Japanese. 「井上さんが先生に叱られて悲しそうだ。」means "Inoue-san looks sad because his teacher scolded him."「叱られないように気を付けて。」means "Be careful not to get scolded!"