
How do you say “Go up the stairs” in Japanese?「階段を上る(かいだんをのぼる)」Kaidan o noboru

"Go up the stairs" is「階段を上る(かいだんをのぼる)」in Japanese. 「(私達は)階段を10階まで上ります。」means "We’ll go up the stairs to the 10th floor. / We’ll go up the stairs to the 9th floor (British English). "「(私は)毎日階段を上り下りして運動します。」means "I exercise by going up and down the stairs every day."

How do you say “Three” in Japanese?「三(さん)」San

"Three" is「三(さん)」in Japanese. 「(私は)犬を三匹飼っています。」means "I have three dogs."「私は今夜、友達三人と食事に出かけます。」means "I'm going out for dinner with my three friends tonight."

How do you say “Two” in Japanese?「二(に)」Ni

"Two" is「二(に)」in Japanese. 「私はチョコレートを二個買います。」means "I’ll buy two chocolates."「このゲームは二人専用です。」means "This game is for two players only."

How do you say “Rain” in Japanese?「雨(あめ)」Ame

"Rain" is「雨(あめ)」in Japanese. 「明日は雨が降るでしょう。」means "It will be rainy tomorrow. "「雨の音は心が落ち着きます。」means "The sound of rain calms my mind."

How do you say “Music” in Japanese?「音楽(おんがく)」Ongaku

"Music" is「音楽(おんがく)」in Japanese. 「(あなたは)どんな音楽が好きですか。」means "What kind of music do you like?"「私は彼らの音楽がとても好きです。」means "I like their music very much."

How do you say “Climb” in Japanese?「登る(のぼる)」Noboru

"Climb" is「登る(のぼる))」in Japanese. 「(私は)あの山の山頂まで登る。」means "I’ll climb to the top of that mountain."「(私達は)あの山を登ると綺麗な海が見えます。」means "We can see the beautiful sea after we climb the mountain."