
How do you say “Round” in Japanese? 「丸い(まるい)」Marui

“Round” is「丸い(まるい)」in Japanese. 「彼らは地球は丸いと言いました。」means "They said the earth is round."「お母さんは目を丸くして驚いた。」means "The mother was surprised with her eyes rounded."

How do you say “Hair” in Japanese? 「髪(かみ)」Kami/「髪の毛(かみのけ)」Kaminoke

“Hair” is「髪(かみ)」or 「髪の毛(かみのけ」in Japanese. 「その女の子は髪を伸ばしています。」means "The girl is growing her hair."「私は木村さんに髪の毛を切ってもらいました。」means "I had Kimura-san cut my hair. "

How do you say “Nose” in Japanese? 「鼻(はな)」Hana

“Nose” is「鼻(はな)」in Japanese. 「マスクは鼻まで覆ってください。」means "Please cover your nose with the mask."「鼻から息を吸ってください。」means "Please take a breath through your nose."

How do you say “Temperature” in Japanese? 「気温(きおん)」Kion

“Temperature” is「気温(きおん)」or「温度(おんど)」in Japanese. 「今日の東京の気温は二十度です。」means "Today’s temperature in Tokyo is 20 degrees Celsius."「砂漠は温度差の激しいところです。」means "The desert is a place with a large temperature difference."

How do you say “Heavy” in Japanese? 「重い(おもい)」Omoi

“Heavy” is「重い(おもい)」in Japanese. 「荷物が重いので(あなたが)持ってください。」means "Please take this luggage, because it’s heavy."「この石は重いので私には持てません。」means "I can't hold this stone, because it’s so heavy."

How do you say “Hot” in Japanese? 「暑い (あつい)」Atsui

“Hot” is「暑い (あつい)」in Japanese. 「暑いのでコートを脱いでもいいですか?」means "Because it's hot, may I take off my coat?"「この部屋は暑いのでエアコンを付けてください。」means "This room is hot, could you please turn on the air conditioner?"