
How do you say “Difficult” in Japanese? 「難しい(むずかしい)」Muzukashī

“Difficult” is「難しい(むずかしい)」in Japanese. 「難しい問題が解けたら(私は)気分が良いです。」means "If I solve a difficult problem, I feel good."「今回のテストは難しかった。」means "The test this time was difficult."

How do you say “Light” in Japanese? 「軽い(かるい)」Karui

“Light” is「軽い(かるい)」in Japanese. 「今日の荷物は少ないので軽いです。」means "There isn’t much luggage today, so it's light."「(私は)軽くご飯を食べました。」means "I had a light meal."

How do you say “New” in Japanese? 「新しい(あたらしい)」Atarashī

“New” is「新しい(あたらしい)」in Japanese. 「ゆかちゃんは新しい靴をお父さんに買ってもらった。」means "Yuka-chan had her father buy her new shoes."「(私が)頑張って進めたゲームがやっと新しいステージに進んだ。」means "I finally advanced to a new stage in the video game I am playing a lot."

How do you say “Continue” in Japanese? 「続ける(つづける)」Tsuzukeru

“Continue” is「続ける(つづける)」or「継続する(けいぞくする)」in Japanese. 「私は食後も書き続けた。」means "I continued writing after dinner."「(私たちは)今後も活動を継続する。」means "We will continue our activities in the future."

How do you say “Rice” in Japanese?「米(こめ)」Kome

“Rice” is「米(こめ)」in Japanese. 「今晩はカレーなので、米も炊きます。」means "We're having curry tonight, so I'll put the rice on."「(彼らは)田んぼで米を作っています。」means "They are growing rice in fields."

How do you say “Beautiful” in Japanese? 「美しい(うつくしい)」Utsukushī/「綺麗(きれい)」Kirei

“Beautiful” is「美しい(うつくしい)」or「綺麗(きれい)」in Japanese. 「私の家の庭に、美しい花が咲いています。」means "Beautiful flowers are blooming in the garden of my house."「あなたの髪はすごく綺麗ですね。」means "Your hair is very beautiful."