
How do you say “Map” in Japanese?「地図(ちず)」Chizu

“Map” is「地図(ちず)」in Japanese. 「私の父は方向音痴なので(私は)地図のアプリをスマホに入れてあげました。」means "My dad has no sense of direction, so I downloaded a map app to his smartphone."「あなたは地図の見方を知っていますか?」means "Do you know how to read the map?"

How do you say “Mouth” in Japanese? 「口(くち)」Kuchi

“Mouth” is「口(くち)」in Japanese. 「私達は口で物を食べます。」means "We eat food using our mouth."「ライオンが口を大きく開けて吠えました。」means "The lion opened his mouth widely and roared."

How do you say “Sample” in Japanese? 「見本(みほん)」Mihon

“Sample” is「見本(みほん)」or「サンプル(さんぷる)」in Japanese. 「見本を真似して絵を描く。」means "Tracing a picture using the sample provided."「無料でサンプルを配っています。」means "We are distributing free samples."

How do you say “Interesting” in Japanese? 「面白い(おもしろい)」Omoshiroi

“Interesting” is「面白い(おもしろい)」in Japanese. 「今日は面白い事が何も無かった。」means "There was nothing interesting today."「死後の世界の話は実に興味深い。」means "The story of the world after death is really interesting."
Study Method

What do Japanese People do When Memorizing Kanji? | Learning the Kanji Guide

Today, I’ll teach you what Japanese people do when we memorize kanji. We can’t read Japanese sentences without knowledge of kanji, therefore we have no choice but to have to learn kanji. Memorizing Kanji Readings (On-yomi and Kun-yomi)

How do you say “Fruit” in Japanese?「果物(くだもの)」Kudamono /「フルーツ」Furūtsu

“Fruit” is「果物(くだもの)」or「フルーツ」in Japanese. 「果物のおいしい時期になってきました。」means "It’s the season for fruits to be delicious."「お見舞いに行く前に(私は)フルーツの盛り合わせを買います。」means "I buy assorted fruits to give when I visit my friend in the hospital."