
How do you say “October” in Japanese? 「十月(じゅうがつ)」jūgatsu

“October” is「十月(じゅうがつ)」in Japanese. 「私は十月のマラソン大会に参加します。」means "I’ll participate in the marathon event in October."「十月は八回映画館へ(私は)行きました。」means "I went to the movie theater eight times in October."
Study Method

What Should Beginners Initially Learn When Studying Japanese?

Do you know what a beginner should focus on in order to pick up Japanese quickly? Today, I’ll teach you how to start studying Japanese as a beginner. When we study Japanese, speaking, listening, reading and writing are important.

How do you say “Stone” in Japanese? 「石(いし)」Ishi

“Stone” is「石(いし)」in Japanese. 「(私は)石につまずいて転んだ。」means "I stumbled on a stone and fell."「ゆうきさんは池に石を投げた。」means "Yūki-san threw a stone into the pond."

How do you say “Spring (season)” in Japanese? 「春(はる)」Haru

“Spring (season)” is「春(はる)」in Japanese. 「春には桜が満開になります。」means "The cherry blossoms are in full bloom in spring."「私と岡田さんは春生まれです。」means "Okada-san and I were born in spring."

How do you say “Jewel” in Japanese? 「宝石(ほうせき)」Hōseki

“Jewel” is「宝石(ほうせき)」」in Japanese. 「宝石を見ていると幸せです。」means "He’s a hero of justice."「そのおばあさんは宝石をとても大切にしています。」means "That grandmother values the jewelry very much."

How do you say “Village” in Japanese? 「村(むら)」Mura

“Village” is「村(むら)」in Japanese. 「彼女は静岡県の小さな村に生まれた。」means "She was born in a small village in Shizuoka prefecture."「私の村にはお店がありません。」means "There are no shops in my village."